From left: Dick Prue presents check to BJ Metz from the Miracle League of Northampton County, MSBL, President Turk Starniri, Dan Kushnir with Grayson Eiden, Leo and Egan Kushnir, and Joe Ponak with Donna Teglits from the Pediatric Cancer Foundation of the Lehigh Valley
Proceeds from the MSBL 2024 Diamond Dreams Charity
Proceeds from the MSBL 2024 Diamond Dreams Charity
Top: Chuckie Lopez and friends, Steve Ritter and family, Dave Morris, Jeff White and
Bruce Alpaugh, 4 Inductees into the 2024 Hall of Fame: Steve Ritter, Nick
Pugliese, Bill Currie, and Jim Mc Roberts
Bruce Alpaugh, 4 Inductees into the 2024 Hall of Fame: Steve Ritter, Nick
Pugliese, Bill Currie, and Jim Mc Roberts
Lexi, the daughter of Moondog player, Matt will be preforming live on syage at
Palmer Days on August 17th.
Palmer Days on August 17th.
From top: Randy Fleck, Tony Spidale, Cory Brigham, Mike Zuk, Robert and Ron Guido,
Matt Connolly, Miracle League Chairman Rick Agretto and Director Dan McKinney Photos taken at the 2024 Miracle League Scramble.
Matt Connolly, Miracle League Chairman Rick Agretto and Director Dan McKinney Photos taken at the 2024 Miracle League Scramble.
Top: Ron Guido, Mike Zuk, Tony Spidale, Allen Reed, Joe Vallely, Chad Arnold,
Eric Pierzinski, Turk Starniri, Matt Connolly.
Below: Miracle League of Northampton County President, Rick Agretto and Director,
Dan McKinney. 2024 Golf Scramble
Eric Pierzinski, Turk Starniri, Matt Connolly.
Below: Miracle League of Northampton County President, Rick Agretto and Director,
Dan McKinney. 2024 Golf Scramble

MSBL Coach and Player Lou Tita, presents a check to Jennifer Dietrick, ML Board Member

Executive Director Michelle Zenie
of the Pediatric Cancer Foundation
of the Lehigh Valley is presented a
check from LVMSBL Treasurer,
Tom Czysz for $3500.
Donation from the Diamond Dreams Charity Marathon held July 26-28, at Easton's Hackett Park.
of the Pediatric Cancer Foundation
of the Lehigh Valley is presented a
check from LVMSBL Treasurer,
Tom Czysz for $3500.
Donation from the Diamond Dreams Charity Marathon held July 26-28, at Easton's Hackett Park.

The White Sox. Miracle League team of
Northampton County.
The best team ever.
Northampton County.
The best team ever.
Upon her retirement from Guardian Insurance, May of 2017, Doreen Templeton presents a check to Miracle League President Rick Agretto from her Guardian Employees.
Doreen Templeton with the Miracle League Yankees. Coach Chuck Frantz, standing far left.
Members of the Moondogs Baseball Team present a check to President Rick Agretto and Commissioner Dan McKinney. Donation resulted from Moondogs participation in Palmer Community Days, 2015.
Front: Agretto, McKinney, Tony Franczak, Co-Commissioner, Amanda Sechrist, & Matt Connolly.
Back: Rich Wescoe, Turk Starniri, Don Jean, & Bruce Alpaugh.

The Cubs
Miracle League
These are the best
kids I know.
Miracle League
These are the best
kids I know.

50 HOURS OF BASEBALL 1989- 2004
Diamond Dreams Charity Marathon 2014

Workers apply the playing surface.
Crafsmanship at its finest and the results show it.
Crafsmanship at its finest and the results show it.

It's finally completed. Thanks to the many volunteers,
opening day is Sunday, Sept 9th.
opening day is Sunday, Sept 9th.
What began in 1989 in an attempt to raise money for local charities, the Lehigh Valley MSBL started 50 Hours of Baseball at Bucky Boyle Park, Allentown. The two main charities have always been "Dream Come True" and "Camelot for Children"- two organizations which deal with chronically and terminally ill children. The generosity of the players was overwhelming and in the history of this event over $285,000.00 has been presented to help some very special children.
In 2003, The Charity Marathon was moved to Easton's Hackett's Park and takes place on the last weekend in July.
Since the formation of the Twin Rivers Baseball League, this event is now Diamond Dreams Charity Marathon due to the committment to a new third charity -The Miracle League of Northampton County where special needs children are given a chance to play baseball on a field designed just for them. The original Miracle League is in Heidelberg Twsp but next to Palmer Township's Charles Chrin Community Center is the the site of the new Miracle League of Northampton County. It is much closer for those children in the Lehigh Valley, Western New Jersey, and Monroe County.
Since 1992 this event has had two Chairmen- Ed Bartholomew and Turk Starniri Jr, but the success is due to the many players, families, friends and other volunteers for their support and dedication.
Many of those volunteers you will see and read about here. We truly are an organization who believes in giving back to the community.
In 2003, The Charity Marathon was moved to Easton's Hackett's Park and takes place on the last weekend in July.
Since the formation of the Twin Rivers Baseball League, this event is now Diamond Dreams Charity Marathon due to the committment to a new third charity -The Miracle League of Northampton County where special needs children are given a chance to play baseball on a field designed just for them. The original Miracle League is in Heidelberg Twsp but next to Palmer Township's Charles Chrin Community Center is the the site of the new Miracle League of Northampton County. It is much closer for those children in the Lehigh Valley, Western New Jersey, and Monroe County.
Since 1992 this event has had two Chairmen- Ed Bartholomew and Turk Starniri Jr, but the success is due to the many players, families, friends and other volunteers for their support and dedication.
Many of those volunteers you will see and read about here. We truly are an organization who believes in giving back to the community.
The 2013 Diamond Dreams Charity Marathon was held July 26-28 at Hackett's Park in Easton..
Many teams took part in this 50 consectutive hour event highlighted by a thrilling 13-12 comback
victory by the Northampton County Legion All-Stars over the Phillipsburg Diamond Club.
In the Midnight Tournament, a strong Lehigh Valley Storm went undefeated as they captured the
Championship. Pen Argyl finished 2nd while Opdyke Lumber took 3rd.
$6,000 was raised with the majority of the proceeds going to the Miracle League of Northampton
County. Additional donations went to Dream Come True and Camelot for Children.
Our thanks to the teams of the Twin Rivers Baseball League and all volunteers who made the 25th
Annual Charity Marathon a huge success.
Many teams took part in this 50 consectutive hour event highlighted by a thrilling 13-12 comback
victory by the Northampton County Legion All-Stars over the Phillipsburg Diamond Club.
In the Midnight Tournament, a strong Lehigh Valley Storm went undefeated as they captured the
Championship. Pen Argyl finished 2nd while Opdyke Lumber took 3rd.
$6,000 was raised with the majority of the proceeds going to the Miracle League of Northampton
County. Additional donations went to Dream Come True and Camelot for Children.
Our thanks to the teams of the Twin Rivers Baseball League and all volunteers who made the 25th
Annual Charity Marathon a huge success.

Treasurer, Tony Spidale presents a check for $4,000 to Dan McKinney of the Miracle League of Northampton County.
Proceeds are from the teams of the Twin Rivers Baseball League and the Diamond Dreams Charity Marathon.
At right is Turk Starniri Jr., Charity Marathon Chairman.
Spidale, Starniri, Mike Zuk, Matt Connolly & Kurt Schreefer are all Miracle League coaches and players in the Twin Rivers Baseball League.
Proceeds are from the teams of the Twin Rivers Baseball League and the Diamond Dreams Charity Marathon.
At right is Turk Starniri Jr., Charity Marathon Chairman.
Spidale, Starniri, Mike Zuk, Matt Connolly & Kurt Schreefer are all Miracle League coaches and players in the Twin Rivers Baseball League.

Coaches Turk Starniri and
Dave Dietche with the Cubs,
Miracle League 2013.
Unfortunately, coach
Dietche passed away
a few short months after
the season.
Dave Dietche with the Cubs,
Miracle League 2013.
Unfortunately, coach
Dietche passed away
a few short months after
the season.

Coaches Tony Spidale &
Matt Connolly with the
Miracle League
Tigers 2013
Matt Connolly with the
Miracle League
Tigers 2013

The Red Sox with coaches
Mike Zuk and
Kurt Schreefer, 2013
Mike Zuk and
Kurt Schreefer, 2013

Miracle league coaches:
Tony Spidale, Mike Heck
Turk Starniri Jr., Kurt Schreefer
Tony Spidale, Mike Heck
Turk Starniri Jr., Kurt Schreefer

Opening Day
Sept. 9, 2012
Sept. 9, 2012

Turk Starniri Jr., Chairman, Diamond Dreams Charity Marathon,
Miracle League coach
Miracle League coach

Ed Bartholomew gives a helping hand during a
Miracle League game, 9/22/12
Miracle League game, 9/22/12

Diamond Dreams Committee member , and Moondog,
Mike Zuk (left) with son John, lend a hand at the
Miracle League game October 13, 2012.
Mike Zuk (left) with son John, lend a hand at the
Miracle League game October 13, 2012.
On Oct 13, 2012, members of the Franklin
Red Sox & Butzee's Deli Moondogs took part in a Miracle League game Red Sox players served as "buddies" for the kids and they all had a memorable time. The Twin Rivers Baseball League continues to give back to the community and this special Saturday is a shining example. |
A photo gallery from October 13, 2012.
Rain played a major factor as some games were rained out but with the generosity of many participants
a sizable donation was made to the new Miracle League of Northampton County.
A special note of thanks to: Rich Lewis, Mike Zuk, Randy Fleck, Gordon Santee, Tony Spidale, Dick Prue
Bruce Alpaugh, Ken Hank, and coaches: Jim Reagle, Randy Cicale, Jim Goodhart, Lou Tita Jr., Ed Yost,
Frank Kaufman, Steve Wagner, Dave Hinkle, Jess Yerger, & Bux-Mont MSBL Officer Mike Diodati.
To Rick Keppel and the umpires who donated their time during the event-it couldn't happen without you.
We also thank the City of Easton, Hackett's Park, and Erik Daly for their annual support of this event.

Phillipsburg Town Council member Bernie Fey Jr.
First pitch before the Diamond Dreams Charity
game between Phillipsburg and Pottstown, Pa.
First pitch before the Diamond Dreams Charity
game between Phillipsburg and Pottstown, Pa.

Phillipsburg, 2012 Diamond Dreams Charity Marathon runners-up
From left: Mike Ciesla, Asst Mgr. Charlie Bowlby, Mgr. Randy Cicale, Billy DeGroat, Jake Knoble,
David Toupin,Bryan Gardner, Tyler Widtiz, Devin Grade, Sahil Patel, Ryan Luke, Chris Trent,
Mike Barna, Coach Donnie Miller
2012 Midnight Tournament: Coplay, Salisburg, Easton, Phillipsburg, & Freemansburg


Easton's Nick Beinlich strokes a hit to right in a
9-4 victory over arch-rival Phillipsburg.
This was re-scheduled due to a rain-out in the
Midnight Tournament during the Diamond Dreams Charity Marathon.
9-4 victory over arch-rival Phillipsburg.
This was re-scheduled due to a rain-out in the
Midnight Tournament during the Diamond Dreams Charity Marathon.

Our thanks to many of the volunteers and players for the
Diamond Dreams Charity 2012
Diamond Dreams Charity 2012

Freemansburg, Midnight Tournament, 2011
Front row: Gary Moritz, Drew Wirth, Chris Mauer, Jake Young, Joe Young
Tyler Koch, John Callahan,
Middle row: Josh Young
Back Row: Manager Jess Yerger, Coach Jim Rich, JJ Rich, Nick Mauer,
Nate Figueroa, Sean Wroble, Ryan Bell, Lucas Yerger,
Remi Santi, Coach John Koch, Kevin Stack
Front row: Gary Moritz, Drew Wirth, Chris Mauer, Jake Young, Joe Young
Tyler Koch, John Callahan,
Middle row: Josh Young
Back Row: Manager Jess Yerger, Coach Jim Rich, JJ Rich, Nick Mauer,
Nate Figueroa, Sean Wroble, Ryan Bell, Lucas Yerger,
Remi Santi, Coach John Koch, Kevin Stack

Express-Times, Thursday, August 4, 2011

Lehigh Valley Marine Corp League Color Guard.
Opening ceremonies, Hackett's Park, Easton, Pa.,
Diamond Dreams Charity Marathon, 2006
Twin Rivers Baseball League
Opening ceremonies, Hackett's Park, Easton, Pa.,
Diamond Dreams Charity Marathon, 2006
Twin Rivers Baseball League

Representatives of the Easton Women's Softball League, present a check to The 2009 Diamond Dreams Charity Marathon.
Present are Treasurer Tony Spidale, Easton Softball League officers Al Cressman and Cheryl Pursell, Event Chairman Turk
Starniri Jr., Committee members Rich Lewis and Dan Wannamaker.
Present are Treasurer Tony Spidale, Easton Softball League officers Al Cressman and Cheryl Pursell, Event Chairman Turk
Starniri Jr., Committee members Rich Lewis and Dan Wannamaker.

Blake Tenge addresses the players before the All-Star game. Looking on are Chairman Ed Bartholomew and Brad Moharter.
Ed Bartholomew, Joyce Reed, & Rayann Vasco from Dream Come True.
Big John Pena
Ed Bartholomew, Joyce Reed, & Rayann Vasco from Dream Come True.
Big John Pena

Buffalo Bills game jerseys were auctioned at Diamond Dreams, 2007.

Lou Tita has been a friend to the Diamond Dreams Charity
and has spent many hours as a volunteer. The committee
is grateful for his contribution.
and has spent many hours as a volunteer. The committee
is grateful for his contribution.

Among the volunteers , you can always count on Brad and Christine Moharter to spend many hours at our Charity Marathon. During the year they always found time to appear at the Miracle League and serve as "Angels" for the kids.
They loved the children and the children loved them.
Brad has been retired for 5 years and the Moondogs surely miss his talent both on the mound or at bat.
Christine still makes women look beautiful.
They loved the children and the children loved them.
Brad has been retired for 5 years and the Moondogs surely miss his talent both on the mound or at bat.
Christine still makes women look beautiful.
Ron and Marsha Worrich Ed and Judy Dawson

Ed Dawson volunteered for every event and was a major force in the League as a long time manager of the Athletics and a tireless worker during the
Charity marathon.
Ron Worrich was the most valuable Board member in the MSBL. When the opportunity of a new position
warranted his relocation to Virginia, he retired from the
Charity marathon.
Ron Worrich was the most valuable Board member in the MSBL. When the opportunity of a new position
warranted his relocation to Virginia, he retired from the

Big John Pena and Mike Heck.
No one put more hours in the many years of the Charity event than John Pena. Whether he was in the food truck all night or making breakfast in the early morning, JP and the late Bobby Craig were one of the men in whom you could rely. Bobby Craig passed away in 2003 but his memory lives on in an award which bears his name.
JP was the first recipient of the Bobby Craig Memorial Award in recognition of his untiring devotion to 50 Hours of Baseball and Diamond Dreams.
No one put more hours in the many years of the Charity event than John Pena. Whether he was in the food truck all night or making breakfast in the early morning, JP and the late Bobby Craig were one of the men in whom you could rely. Bobby Craig passed away in 2003 but his memory lives on in an award which bears his name.
JP was the first recipient of the Bobby Craig Memorial Award in recognition of his untiring devotion to 50 Hours of Baseball and Diamond Dreams.

In 1995, Chairman Ed Bartholomew presents check for the Allentown Boys' and Girls' Clubs to Recreation Director Joe Buselitz
Looking on are Rick Miller, Bobby Craig, Ed Dawson, Ron Worrich, and Umpire Assignor Rick Keppel
Looking on are Rick Miller, Bobby Craig, Ed Dawson, Ron Worrich, and Umpire Assignor Rick Keppel

Committee Members Scott Werner, John Pena, Mike Heck, Ed Bartholomew, Bobby Craig, Ed Dawson, Ron Worrich, and Rick Keppel
The Father-Son Baseball Game, 1996, Bucky Boyle Park, Allentown, Pa.,
as part of 50 Hours of Baseball

Rich Lewis and Eva attend a reception at the Stroudsmoor Country Inn, 2004. Spike was this year's winner of the Annual Bobby Craig Award for his participation in the Diamond Dreams Charity Marathon.
Rich spent most of the time cooking in the food truck as well as supplying the event with his specialties : Jambalaya, Halupkis, Corned Beef, & Sausage and Peppers. He also was there on Saturday and Sunday mornings to serve breakfast.
The cost of his culinary wizardry was paid by Rich and the proceeds were donated to the event.
Bobby Craig would have been proud.
Rich spent most of the time cooking in the food truck as well as supplying the event with his specialties : Jambalaya, Halupkis, Corned Beef, & Sausage and Peppers. He also was there on Saturday and Sunday mornings to serve breakfast.
The cost of his culinary wizardry was paid by Rich and the proceeds were donated to the event.
Bobby Craig would have been proud.
The Miracle League Players and Volunteers...the reason for The Diamond Dreams Charity
The first game in the Miracle League of Northampton County takes place at Easton's Hackett's Park, July 31, 2011
as part of the Diamond Dreams Charity Marathon. In 2012, the games will be played at the new Miracle League Field in Palmer Twsp, Northampton County.

Doreen Templeton and Katie Mericle at the Miracle League Christmas Party and Katie in the dugout ready for the game.

Jared Brown with his Angels
Dennis Kinney pitches to Sara Miller with Dad Todd's help.
Dennis Kinney pitches to Sara Miller with Dad Todd's help.

Tomas Sedor Sr. and Jr.
Dan McKinney assists a Miracle League player .
Dan McKinney assists a Miracle League player .

Former Director of the Miracle League Dan McKinney gives the "Angels"
pre-game instructions before a game.
pre-game instructions before a game.